
Tuesday May 12, 2020
COVID19: The Hidden Toll on Firefighters and Families
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
The outbreak of SARS-Cov 2 (COVID-19) has once again placed firefighters on the front lines of a disaster. But unlike a wildfire or a normal EMS call, the pandemic has created unique stresses on firefighters and, more importantly, their families.
On a special CPF Fire Wire, President Brian Rice discusses the behavioral health effects of the outbreak on our members and their families, the importance of managing the overwhelming stress associated with the outbreak, and the resources available to help.
Joining Brian is Dr. Steve Froehlich, behavioral health director for United Firefighters of Los Angeles City, Local 112.
Resources and information: healingourown.org/covid19

Thursday May 07, 2020
San Jose Firefighters: First In on COVID-19
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
When the coronavirus COVID-19 hit the shores of the U.S, one of its first landing spots was San Jose. It's now clear that the members of San Jose Firefighters Local 230 were being exposed to COCID-19 on calls for weeks without knowing, and they were the first to feel its effects.
On this episode of CPF Fire Wire, we tell the story of San Jose Firefighters and their position at the leading edge of the pandemic, CPF President Brian Rice is joined by San Jose Firefighters Local 230 President Sean Kaldor.
The two leaders discuss the experience of San Jose firefighters in the early stages of the pandemic, how the department and the local responded, and what lessons their experiences offer for all California firefighters.